Lavrillier, A., L. Egorova, S. Gabyshev. (2022). Der Klimawandel aus Sicht der Wissenschaft der sibirischen indigenen Bevölkerung (Evenken) (Vol. In E. Kasten Mensch und Natur in Sibirien: Umweltw).
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Lavrillier, A., L. Egorova, S. Gabyshev. (2022). Izmeneniye klimata s tochki zreniya nauki korennykh narodov Sibiri (evenkov) [Climate change from the point of view of science of the indigenous peoples of Siberia (Evenks)] (Vol. In E. Kasten Chelovek i priroda v Sibiri: Ekologic).
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Téchiné P., L. Testut, G. Woppelmann, M. Gravelle, M. Guichard, V. Kérébel, E. Pouteau, T. Donal, S. Enet, C. Fraboul, R. Lhullier, N. Pouvreau, A. Guilot, C. Brachet, M. Calzas, C. Drezen, L. Fichen. (2022). SNO SONEL (Service d’Observation du Niveau des Eaux Littorales).
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Véronique Van Tilbeurgh, Anne Atlan. (2022). Pluralité des valeurs attribuées à la nature : le rôle des instances de socialisation primaire (Vol. 22).
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Maxime Allioux, Stéven Yvenou, Alexander Merkel, Marc Cozannet, Johanne Aubé, Jolann Pommellec, Marc Le Romancer, Véronique Lavastre, Damien Guillaume, Karine Alain. (2022). A metagenomic insight into the microbiomes of geothermal springs in the Subantarctic Kerguelen Islands (Vol. 12).
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A. T. Ringler, R. E. Anthony, R. C. Aster, C. J. Ammon, S. Arrowsmith, H. Benz, C. Ebeling, A. Frassetto, W.-Y. Kim, P. Koelemeijer, H. C. P. Lau, V. Lekić, J. P. Montagner, P. G. Richards, D. P. Schaff, M. Vallée, W. Yeck. (2022). Achievements and Prospects of Global Broadband Seismographic Networks After 30 Years of Continuous Geophysical Observations (Vol. 60).
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Philip L. Woodworth. (2022). Advances in the observation and understanding of changes in sea level and tides (Vol. 1516).
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Mark Andrew Hindell, Clive Reginald McMahon, Christophe Guinet, Rob Harcourt, Ian David Jonsen, Ben Raymond, Dale Maschette. (2022). Assessing the potential for resource competition between the Kerguelen Plateau fisheries and southern elephant seals (Vol. 9). Bachelor's thesis, , .
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Jordi Diaz. (2022). Atmosphere-solid earth coupling signals generated by the 15 January 2022 Hunga-Tonga eruption (Vol. 3).
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Kyriakos Balidakis, Roman Sulzbach, Linus Shihora, Christoph Dahle, Robert Dill, Henryk Dobslaw. (2022). Atmospheric Contributions to Global Ocean Tides for Satellite Gravimetry (Vol. 14).
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