Le Moan E. (2021). Utilisation de modèles mixtes pour décrire la réponse de l’oursin spatangue Abatus cordatus (Verrill, 1876), espèce endémique des Kerguelen, aux changements environnementaux.
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Mike Lockwood, Carl Haines, Luke A. Barnard, Mathew J. Owens, Chris J. Scott, Aude Chambodut, Kathryn A. McWilliams. (2021). Semi-annual, annual and Universal Time variations in the magnetosphere and in geomagnetic activity: 4. Polar Cap motions and origins of the Universal Time effect (Vol. 11).
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Cyril Audrouin. (2021). Croissance musculaire chez le poussin de manchot royal (Aptenodytes patagonicus), liens avec la saisonnalité et la condition corporelle..
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Camille Lemonnier. (2021). Coping with socially stressful environments in colonial seabirds: a test of adaptive phenotype programming in king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus).
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Hullé M., Vernon P. (2021). The terrestrial macro-invertebrates of the sub-Antarctic Îles Kerguelen and Île de la Possession.
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Lemonnier C, Schull Q, Stier A, Boonstra R, Delahanty B, Lefol E, Durand L, Robin Jp, Criscuolo F, Bize P, Viblanc Va. (2021). Coping with socially stressful environments in colonial seabirds: a test of adaptive phenotype programming in king penguins.
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Stier A, Lewden A, Ruuskanen S, Noiret A, Angelier F, Robin Jp, Bize P, Raclot T, Roussel D, Ropert-coudert Y, Viblanc Va. (2021). HotPenguin : cool in the water, too hot on land ? Risks and consequences of heat stress in penguins facing climate change.
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Sindre H. Eldøy, Jan G. Davidsen, Matthias Vignon, Michael Power. (2021). The biology and feeding ecology of Arctic charr in the Kerguelen Islands (Vol. 98).
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Jacques Labonne, Aurélie Manicki, Louise Chevalier, Marin Tétillon, François Guéraud, Andrew P. Hendry. (2021). Using Reciprocal Transplants to Assess Local Adaptation, Genetic Rescue, and Sexual Selection in Newly Established Populations (Vol. 12).
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Jan Grimsrud Davidsen, Xavier Bordeleau, Sindre Håvarstein Eldøy, Frederick Whoriskey, Michael Power, Glenn T. Crossin, Colin Buhariwalla, Philippe Gaudin. (2021). Marine habitat use and feeding ecology of introduced anadromous brown trout at the colonization front of the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen archipelago (Vol. 11).
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