Carsten Abraham, Adam H. Monahan. (2019). Climatological Features of the Weakly and Very Stably Stratified Nocturnal Boundary Layers. Part III: The Structure of Meteorological State Variables in Persistent Regime Nights and across Regime Transitions (Vol. 76).
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Carsten Abraham, Adam H. Monahan. (2019). Climatological Features of the Weakly and Very Stably Stratified Nocturnal Boundary Layers. Part II: Regime Occupation and Transition Statistics and the Influence of External Drivers (Vol. 76).
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Carsten Abraham, Adam H. Monahan. (2019). Climatological Features of the Weakly and Very Stably Stratified Nocturnal Boundary Layers. Part I: State Variables Containing Information about Regime Occupation (Vol. 76).
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Claudio Tomasi, Boyan H. Petkov, Elena Benedetti. (2012). Annual cycles of pressure, temperature, absolute humidity and precipitable water from the radiosoundings performed at Dome C, Antarctica, over the 2005–2009 period (Vol. 24).
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Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Hervé Bellot, Kouichi Nishimura, Christophe Genthon, Cyril Palerme, Gilbert Guyomarc’h, Vincent Vionnet. (2014). Detection of snowfall occurrence during blowing snow events using photoelectric sensors (Vol. 106-107).
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Étienne Vignon, Lea Raillard, Christophe Genthon, Massimo Del Guasta, Andrew J. Heymsfield, Jean-Baptiste Madeleine, Alexis Berne. (2022). Ice fog observed at cirrus temperatures at Dome C, Antarctic Plateau (Vol. 22).
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J. Gaillardet, I. Braud, F. Hankard, S. Anquetin, O. Bour, N. Dorfliger, J. R. de Dreuzy, S. Galle, C. Galy, S. Gogo, L. Gourcy, F. Habets, F. Laggoun, L. Longuevergne, T. Le Borgne, F. Naaim-Bouvet, G. Nord, V. Simonneaux, D. Six, T. Tallec, C. Valentin, G. Abril, P. Allemand, A. Arènes, B. Arfib, L. Arnaud, N. Arnaud, P. Arnaud, S. Audry, V. Bailly Comte, C. Batiot, A. Battais, H. Bellot, E. Bernard, C. Bertrand, H. Bessière, S. Binet, J. Bodin, X. Bodin, L. Boithias, J. Bouchez, B. Boudevillain, I. Bouzou Moussa, F. Branger, J. J. Braun, P. Brunet, B. Caceres, D. Calmels, B. Cappelaere, H. Celle-Jeanton, F. Chabaux, K. Chalikakis, C. Champollion, Y. Copard, C. Cotel, P. Davy, P. Deline, G. Delrieu, J. Demarty, C. Dessert, M. Dumont, C. Emblanch, J. Ezzahar, M. Estèves, V. Favier, M. Faucheux, N. Filizola, P. Flammarion, P. Floury, O. Fovet, M. Fournier, A. J. Francez, L. Gandois, C. Gascuel, E. Gayer, C. Genthon, M. F. Gérard, D. Gilbert, I. Gouttevin, M. Grippa, G. Gruau, A. Jardani, L. Jeanneau, J. L. Join, H. Jourde, F. Karbou, D. Labat, Y. Lagadeuc, E. Lajeunesse, R. Lastennet, W. Lavado, E. Lawin, T. Lebel, C. Le Bouteiller, C. Legout, Y. Lejeune, E. Le Meur, N. Le Moigne, J. Lions, A. Lucas, J. P. Malet, C. Marais-Sicre, J. C. Maréchal, C. Marlin, P. Martin, J. Martins, J. M. Martinez, N. Massei, A. Mauclerc, N. Mazzilli, J. Molénat, P. Moreira-Turcq, E. Mougin, S. Morin, J. Ndam Ngoupayou, G. Panthou, C. Peugeot, G. Picard, M. C. Pierret, G. Porel, A. Probst, J. L. Probst, A. Rabatel, D. Raclot, L. Ravanel, F. Rejiba, P. René, O. Ribolzi, J. Riotte, A. Rivière, H. Robain, L. Ruiz, J. M. Sanchez-Perez, W. Santini, S. Sauvage, P. Schoeneich, J. L. Seidel, M. Sekhar, O. Sengtaheuanghoung, N. Silvera, M. Steinmann, A. Soruco, G. Tallec, E. Thibert, D. Valdes Lao, C. Vincent, D. Viville, P. Wagnon, R. Zitouna. (2018). OZCAR: The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories (Vol. 17). Bachelor's thesis, , .
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Etienne Vignon, Christophe Genthon, Hélène Barral, Charles Amory, Ghislain Picard, Hubert Gallée, Giampietro Casasanta, Stefania Argentini. (2017). Momentum- and Heat-Flux Parametrization at Dome C, Antarctica: A Sensitivity Study (Vol. 162). Bachelor's thesis, , .
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É Vignon, M.-L. Roussel, I. V. Gorodetskaya, C. Genthon, A. Berne. (2021). Present and Future of Rainfall in Antarctica (Vol. 48). Bachelor's thesis, , .
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